Fortunately, for us anyway, his wish was not fulfilled. Apparently, Virgil died before he could finish the epic poem and requested that it be destroyed. Additional useful elements include a genealogy, notes on the translation, and a fairly comprehensive pronunciation glossary. In fact, he won the Harold Morton Landon Translation Award from The Academy of American Poets because of it.Also included in this edition is a wonderful introduction by Bernard Knox explaining the background, history, and context of The Aeneid.

While I've never read The Aeneid before, and can't compare Fagles translation to others, I did find it to be very approachable, enjoyable, and immensley readable. He more recently turned his attention to The Aeneid by Virgil. Robert Fagles is an award-winning translator and is especially recognized for his work on Homer's The Illiad and The Oddessy. The Aeneid, translated by Robert FaglesAfter reading Black Ships by Jo Graham (which was based on The Aeneid), I was inspired to find a copy and read it myself.